Thursday, July 21, 2011

Im not giving you advice...but here's some advice

I love that I just answered a question on facebook about the worst advice you were given while pregnant...and my answer was...

"I can honestly sat that I don't remember any...because I made it a point to never listen to anyones advice unless I asked them a question. I realized early on that its too exhausting to filter information...and I was pretty exhausted already from growing a human inside me."

Now I'm about to write a advice...the hypocrisy of it all!!!!

Anyways here we go!!!

This week I finally got a new stroller. 
A Bugaboo Frog!

 I never thought a stroller would bring me such peace and happiness...but it has. When I was pregnant I was thinking about getting the Bugaboo, but honestly that price tag scared me. I also though..."Who care it's JUST a stroller! All you do is push it around! How difficult could that be?!"...silly first time parent. I asked for a travel system, which my husbands wonderful family got for me as a gift. I liked it at first because my son was so tiny and having him in a big stroller made me feel safe. But now that my son is mobile (and bigger) I began to loathe that travel system. Most of the time I wanted to open the trunk of my car (while driving of course) and let it spill out onto the highway, causing a major accident and destroying lives...just like that stroller was destroying mine. Sounds dramatic? Maybe a little...but you try to push that tank around the narrow isles of a store...or trying to lean the thing back to get over a curb...its a shit show! You begin to realize at that moment that cheaper is not better because you cannot put a price on your sanity...and just the sheer nuisance of that stroller was turning me into a crazy person. All wanted to the end of the day...was take a walk with my family and enjoy myself...I shouldn't have to go get a special heavy equipment drivers licence to operate an effin stroller.

So my advice is, pick quality over quantity. Pick a stroller that is easy to push and not very big. Choose anything that will make a trip to the store a little easier to handle. Now I'm not saying go buy a Bugaboo...that's just crazy pants. Especially with a baby...I'm all about saving a buck here or there...but in some situations saving money is not worth putting more stress yourself...and when you are already operating on 4 hours sleep...the smallest thing can just piss you off. There is also the fact that if you get the cheap item and its not working out...then you have to buy something else...and in the end your not really saving anything.

Oh man! The most important "must have" I forgot to get a picture of. Its the Shark Steam Mop. If you don't have one of these..GO!...NOW! You have to have one! Especially if you have a baby. I'm super OCD and having a kid has made it worse. So this thing makes cleaning the floors super easy and quick. I feel better knowing that I'm not using a dirty mop or swiffer mop. My husband makes fun of me every time he hears the steam sound the mop makes ( and curses the day my mother bought it for me)...but whatever...he has a clean house and his child hasn't come down with E. coli or something.

The next thing I cant live without are these...
 Gap 2 piece jam jams ( that's what we call them around my house). Everyone said get a bunch of onesies...but I hated onesies. I have a million of these 2 pieces and they are stress relievers. Not only does it look like a real outfit but you can mix and match the pieces...AND the bottoms go with other shirts you buy. Fantastic!

The Boppy!!!! I didn't breast feed, but I loved my boppy. I used it for the baby, I slept on it, and I even think my husband slept on it a few times. I used it to feed him., to sing to him, and to play with him. Knox slept in the bed with us until he was 5 months...and this kept him from going all over the place.

The standing bouncer! I could put Knox in this for hours and he would have a blast. He would just sit there eating his puffs and I could get stuff done around the house.

This beanie from Born to Love Clothing! (Obviously for cold weather parents) I loved using it more than those ugly baby thicker and stays on his head. Whats even better is that it still fits him and he loves to wear it.

Me-in-Mind socks! I hate regular baby socks! Knox wore these all the time.I love that it looks like he is wearing a complete outfit and not like he forgot to put on shoes. I know that sounds silly because hes a baby was a pet peeve of mine.

Ughhhhh...okay this one is a love/hate relationship. The walker is a makes Knox tired (so hes ready for naps) and he has fun chasing the dogs around the house. Lets face it by the time your baby can crawl they want to be a little more independent. Plus, I can have him with me when I'm grilling outside or doing whatever...he enjoys being able to watch me clean. Here's where the "hate" part of the relationship comes in...I have so many cuts on my legs from him running me over with that thing.

Also, I wouldn't spend a lot of money on this one item...the babies entertainment is all around him so he doesn't need the bells and whistles that most of these come with. I mean after the walker its not too long before they're actually...*gulp*...walking. 

Some other things I've noticed. Babies like toys that are crap or trash. The old "Give your kid a paper box" saying is no joke. My son loves water bottles, empty puff cans, and  paper.

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