Saturday, August 13, 2011

I can eat whatever I want on vacation…because my fat is on vacation too

Last week, my sister Lauren was in California for a six day visit. I enjoyed this very much…and Knoxville enjoyed some QT time with his aunt. 

When you move 3000 miles away from your family, you start to appreciate the time you get to spend together. There’s none of that “Well, I can put that off since ill see them tomorrow.” Nope! Actually, there never seems to be ENOUGH time to do/say every thing you need to. You find yourself trying to remember everything you have wanted to talk about and every story you have wanted to share in the last 10 months when they weren’t around.
 I often find myself in Forever 21 and wanting to tell my sister that something is super cute…but then I remember I’m there by myself…super beepboo!

My sister and I didn’t always get along. In fact growing up…I’m pretty sure we sent each other to the hospital once or twice. Honestly though…I would hate to be an only child…that sounds just terrible. I can’t imagine not having my sister in my life. Despite the 6 year age difference, she’s my best friend. Now I understand that you can have people in your life that can feel like a sister or brother...but to me...its not the same. There are no substitutes for me in that department.

For the people that are not an only child, but do not get along with their brother/sister, I have to say that I don’t understand how brothers and sisters can hate each other. I don’t think anyone in this world can understand you like your brothers/sisters can…not even your own parents.  Also, I don’t understand how brothers/sister can be jealous of one another. I want nothing but the best for my sister. I get excited for her all opportunities and accomplishments…because she deserves them.

My mother and her sister don’t get along. That saddens me to think that my mom can’t have the relationship I have with Lauren…because I cherish my relationship with my sister.

I think the best advice I can give (and what’s worked for me over the years) is this…
·        Never try to change who they are. If you are the oldest sibling this applies to you (or if you are the “responsible” one in the family) I am the oldest in my family. I have always felt somewhat responsible for my sister. I realized a long time ago that just because I feel like I may know better than she does when it comes to certain things…doesn’t mean she should do exactly as I do.
·        Be honest with them! Always!
·        They are their own person…they will do things in their own way and in their own time. I never take offense that my sister doesn’t take my advice some times. What I do works for me…but she needs to choose her own way…it maybe different from my way and that is perfectly okay.
·        Let them make their own mistakes. This ones a hard one as an older sister/brother. When you see your brother/sister make a choice, that you know will be a total disaster in the end, you want to scream at them until they listen to you. And that screaming, even if it’s coming form a good place, it never comes across that way. You need to give your advice (in a nonjudgmental way) and step aside. Even more important than that…if they do fail…and you were right…NEVER saying “I told you so!” All you need to do is be there for them if they need the support. That leads me to the next one…
·        Sometimes we may do things to each other that are mean and hateful. Just because you are family doesn’t mean there won’t be those moments in your life where you will hurt one another. That’s when you have to trust your relationship with one another…because deep down…you know if their intentions are to be cruel and hurtful. That leads to the most important piece of advice (and the code that I live by)  
·        Pick your battles!...and know when to SHUT UP!  

Enough of all this crap! Let’s get to the pictures! 

I still have some more editing to I'm going to have to break everything up into a couple bogs.

The first day my sister was here we took her out to dinner and then to Rick Dessert Diner...
 As you can see from the pictures below...its heavenly!

 I got the Tiramisu and my sister got some kind of chocolate cake with mint tasted just like mint chocolate chip ice cream...I wanted to swim in it...
 On the way there, we passed by this record store. They had this giant boombox outside. I thought it was I took a picture of it.

 We also passed by this...I'm not sure what that is...or the point of it. Did someone think the tree was cold? Where they offended that this tree was naked? Did someone not like the crochet gift given to them by their grandmother? they put it on a tree. These are questions that need answers. Ive decided that the next time I'm in downtown Sacramento...that I'm gong to knock on this persons door and ask them why.

1 comment:

  1. I love that months later I realize I have comments.

    Yarn Graffiti? That sounds so silly :D honestly...when I read that, the first thing I pictured was a gang of grandmothers knitting these things and putting them on trees.
